Remember how high were thrown by you
Trust your cuddle
 在我華麗翻轉後炫耀 yeah
Showing off after I overturned gorgeously yeah
Unexpectedly we deviated slightly
You didn't catch me well
 跌落在計畫外了 糟糕 ooh
Fell off and out of the plan No ooh
誰的幻想 完美的飛翔
Whose fantasy Fly perfectly
Like the time of learning to love each other
 我重重墜下 才知道多傻
I didn't know how silly I was until dropped down heavily
We are all out of action sometimes
時間 差一點 剛好 慢一點 不妙
It's just right within almost the time 
It will be far from good if slow down

Beautiful blunders
 傷了你 傷了我
Hurt you Hurt me
 才學會彼此呵護 ooh
Finally, we know how to cherish each other ooh
愛情 缺一步 恰巧 多一步 到老
It's just right missing a step but 
will be continued to the old if one more step in love

Like this realization
Let's hold onto the happiness before losing gravity
The hitting power of free fall
We didn't calculate well
 眼看著目標上下顛倒 ooh
Watched as the target is turning upside down ooh
誰的幻想 完美的飛翔
Whose fantasy Fly perfectly
Like the time of learning to love each other
 我重重墜下 才知道多傻
I didn't know how silly I was until dropped down heavily
We are all out of action sometimes
時間 差一點 剛好 慢一點 不妙
It's just right within almost the time 
It will be far from good if slow down
Beautiful blunders
 傷了你 傷了我
Hurt you Hurt me
 才學會彼此呵護 ooh
Finally, we know how to cherish each other ooh
愛情 缺一步 恰巧 多一步 到老
It's just right missing a step but 
will be continued to the old if one more step in love

Like this realization
Let's hold onto the happiness before losing gravity
你宣告 不管疤痕 我永遠是最美的
You declare that I will always be the most beautiful regardless of scars
We got the centre of gravity and balance back
時間 差一點 剛好 慢一點 不妙
It's just right within almost the time 
It will be far from good if slow down

Beautiful blunders
 傷了你 傷了我
Hurt you Hurt me
 才學會彼此呵護 ooh
Finally, we know how to cherish each other ooh
愛情 缺一步 恰巧 多一步 到老
It's just right missing a step but 
will be continued to the old if one more step in love

Like this realization
Let's hold onto the happiness before losing gravity




    創作者 青木 的頭像


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